Actually, the community may be too busy to celebrate. They are in the final stages of building a community water system to bring clean spring water to each home. Two springs have been protected collecting the water below the ground surface and covered with concrete to prevent contamination. The springs provide 150 gallons per minute of clean naturally filtered ground water.
Four reservoirs and two pressure breaking tanks have been built. They are currently digging 5.4 miles of four-foot deep trench for the pipe distribution system supplying water to 95 homes. Kawsaypak Yaku, a Kichwa mission organization, provides the design, technical supervision, and about half of the materials with support from Life Giving Water International and an evangelical German mission, DMG. In addition to the community support, the local Ecuadorian municipality is providing the remaining materials. We are grateful to have a part in this significant project. What a wonderful way to celebrate World Water Day!
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